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国内活动 Domestic Activities
项目启动会( Launch Meeting of the project -Partners Against Wildlife Crime )
    2019年6月20日上午,主要由欧盟发起的“支持大湄公河区域、马来西亚及中国民间团体助力打击野生动植物走私及森林犯罪”(Partners Against Wildlife Crime)项目启动会在北京顺利举行。

   一个聚集了12个不同的国际及各国本土民间机构共同组成的项目联盟,分别在:中国、柬埔寨、老挝、缅甸、马来西亚、泰国和越南七个国家同时开展为期四年的项目活动。 项目将致力于加强民间社会、地方社区对生物多样性的保护,以及进一步降低消费市场对非法来源的野生动植物产品的需求偏好;旨在从源头到终端全链条打击野生动物走私及森林犯罪,大力推进野生动植物保护工作。
    该项目在中国主要是由野生生物保护学会(WCS)联合北京市朝阳区永续全球环境研究所(GEI)、国际爱护动物基金会(IFAW),以及中山大学一同合作开展。这些活动旨在热点地区,促进中国与缅甸、柬埔寨和老挝人民民主共和国开展跨国合作,针对野生动物走私采取执法行动和其他干预措施。 同时,寻求降低华南终端市场对亚洲象、老虎和淡水龟等目标类群产品的消费偏好。
   会上,各方代表依次上台致辞。首先,WCS中国项目主任王爱民先生感谢和强调了由多机构共同组成的项目合作伙伴关系。随后,欧盟代表团成员Vicky Pollard女士介绍了欧盟从2016年开始就致力于打击非法野生动物走私的行动,并在全球范围内取得了良好的成效。同时非常感谢国家林业和草原局(林草局)对欧盟此次项目的大力支持以及欢迎所有加入项目的合作伙伴。国家林草局野生动植物保护司巫忠泽处长肯定了项目参与方的伙伴关系,也表示国家林草局将对项目大力支持,共同致力于打击野生动物走私犯罪。GEI执行主任金嘉满女士表示他们作为中国本土的NGO,其致力于打击跨境野生动植物犯罪方面的经验将助力于本项目的实施。IFAW中国代表何建国先生也再次强调了项目合作机构的共同愿景。

On the morning of June 20th, 2019, the launch meeting for the EU-initiated project "Support to Disrupting illicit supply chains of wildlife in Asia by leveraging civil society partnerships to increase the effectiveness of Government action" (Partners against Wildlife Crime), was held in Beijing, China.
An alliance of 12 international and national civil society organizations in 7 countries in the Greater Mekong region as well as Malaysia and China. The project, through strengthening the role of civil society, indigenous and local communities in reinforcing security, protecting biodiversity, improving livelihoods and limiting demand for illegal-sourced wildlife products, aims to reduce wildlife and forest crime in and between the countries in the targeted region.
In China, the project is coordinated in collaboration with four partner organizations, including Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Global Environmental Institute (GEI), International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and Sun Yat-Sen University. The activities aim to promote trans-boundary cooperation and exert anti-trafficking interventions in key localities in China connecting with Myanmar, Cambodia and Lao PDR. Also, it seeks to reduce the consumption preference of products from target taxa of Asian elephant, tigers and freshwater turtles, in the end market of Southern China.
Vicky Pollard from the EU Delegation introduced the EU Action Plan against Wildlife adopted in 2016 which highlighted EU's global role in the fight against illegal activities. She appreciated the support from NFGA for this EU action and welcomed all the partners involved into the action. Mr. Zhongze WU, Director of the Department of Wildlife Conservation of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China, emphasized the efforts taken by the Chinese government in combating crimes in wildlife trafficking. He warmly welcomes the support from the EU in an action of such a scale, and the participation of all the organizations to join forces in delivering good results under this important action. The key partners introduced their respective work in China and in the region, following which discussions were held in details on how each of their strengthens and experience can contribute to a successful implementation of the project through better partnership.
The project will be implemented in the next four years till the end of 2022.


版权所有:国际野生生物保护学会(WCS)中国项目  京ICP备18025673号-1